The Peckham club has been running since 2019 and is located at the Harris Academy Peckham and we welcome adults and children aged 6+. The instructor is Mr Patrick Callaghan (3rd Dan, left of the top middle picture, below).
Training times
6.30 - 7.30pm All grades
10.00am - 11.00am All grades
11.00am - 12.00pm Intermediate & Senior students
Harris Academy Peckham
112 Peckham Road
SE15 5DZ
Beginners' classes
We regularly run free classes for new beginners and your first two sessions are free! Please email for more information, and see the FAQs below:
The monthly subscription is £45. There will also be costs for your annual licence, dobok (uniform) and gradings, which will be explained to you when you come along.
What to expect in your first class
We always start with a group warm up and finish with a warm down. We train together, but may split into smaller groups to focus on particular techniques. You will begin by learning taekwondo etiquette and basic techniques.
We are a friendly club, and know from experience (we were all beginners once!), that it can be daunting walking into a room with strangers in martial arts uniform and some people wearing black belts! We will make every effort to make you feel welcome before the class starts and let you ask any questions you may have, so please pluck up the courage to come in!
What shall I wear?
Any sports clothing is fine to begin. If you decide to join the club we’ll arrange for you to get a dobok (white uniform). Normally people wear tracksuit bottoms or shorts and a t-shirt to their first few sessions. We train in bare feet, and there are changing rooms at our venues.
My child is not yet 6, can they join the club?
Sorry, no. The youngest age we accept is 6. However, you can email us to be added to the waiting list to join the club faster when your child reaches the age of 6.
For all Peckham enquires, please email